3 Reasons BIOS Likes Veeam Backup in a Virtual Environment

Posted by Dominic Docherty on Thu, Aug 02, 2012 @ 07:40 AM

Veeam is a backup program specifically for virtual environments.


veeam backup uaeBacking up data is extremely important, as we all know; loss of data can cripple a business. Legacy backup methods in a virtual environment can be costly and time-consuming to deploy. This is one aspect of your IT infrastructure where you don't want to cut corners or settle for solutions that aren't optimized to your systems.


More and more, we've been recommending Veeam backup solutions for our clients using vSphere  and Hyper-V hypervisors. Why? We're glad you asked.


Here are just a few reasons we like Veeam for backuping up virtual environments over legacy software solutions. “The old way” of making backups is fine for standard servers but doesn't take advantage of all the benefits of virtualization to provide you with the most value.


1. Take advantage of multiple levels of granular recovery - Studies show that most data recovery situations require recovery of individual application items, such as accidentally deleted emails or mission critical documents. These requests (not surprisingly) typically come from end-users.


On the IT side, file-level recovery is often required. In either case, it's not necessary to restore the entire VM to a previous operating state.


Beyond complete image-level recovery, veeam's patent pending solution, called U-Air (that's Universal Application-Item Recovery), permits file-level recovery from image-level backups. It's quicker and easier than ever before to recover a single file, a single customer record from a CRM system, or even an individual row from an Oracle database.


2. Get proof your backups worked, every time - If you ever lose data or suffer a VM failure, you know your whole business is riding on the success of the data recovery, the ability to actually restore your backups. That's putting a lot of faith in the technology. Even if a backup completes successfully and the backup files pass an integrity check, there's no guarantee you'll be able to successfully restore the data in an emergency - until now.


Veaam's vPower technology performs a test restore on every single backup, every time. We haven't found another data backup system for virtual servers that provides the peace-of-mind Veeam offers, which is why we recommend it so often.


3. Faster backups that require fewer resources, thanks to proprietary deduplication processes in Veeam. - One complaint business owners have is that backing up  drains resources, slowing down the server's processing capabilities while backups are taking place. To conserve resources, IT staff may skip hourly backups -- a costly error when you face a data recovery emergency!


Because backups are completed at the image level, legacy backup tools end up reading, transferring and storing the same data time after time, using important resources that could be used to increase application and processing speeds, instead.


But veeam uses an inline, source-side block-level deduplication process that reduces backup time, network traffic and backup storage consumption by a factor of 10. No server slow-downs, no waste.


Some legacy backup tools offer a deduplication option, but you'll pay extra for it... often so much extra that you're better off dealing with temporary productivity loss. What if you could have faster backups included in the price of the backup tool, with no extra cost? You'd jump on that, right?


Interested in learning more? Get our free comparison chart and find out how Veeam compares to legacy backup solutions in other ways that are important to your business.

Download the Veeam Backup Comparison Chart:


Veeam Backup

Topics: IT Back Up, Virtualization, Veeam


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