Disaster Recovery, Computer & Data Backup in Dubai & UAE

Posted by Dominic Docherty on Sun, Aug 19, 2012 @ 10:25 AM

When it comes to choosing your new backup solution, the choice can be bewildering. Do you go old school, and choose to backup with tape? Or perhaps you should take advantage of the latest technology, and adopt cloud backup.


Dominic DochertyWell the first thing you shouldn’t do is jump in, though the chance are by reading this blog, you’re not planning on doing so. So what is the first step you should take when considering a how to backup computers in Dubai and the UAE?


In our experience, the number one thing you need to do is work out why you want to backup your data. Do you need to backup your data for legal reasons? Are you wanting to prove to investors that you have undertaken due diligence with your IT infrastructure? Maybe you just want piece of mind that it is safe.


Once you know why you want to backup your data, the next step is to ensure that you choose the right solution. That’s where BIOS Middle East can come in. In the last couple of years, we’ve worked with some of the best-known names to implement some of the biggest disaster recovery solutions in Dubai and Abu Dhabi. We’ve also implemented SMB data backup solutions for the UAE’s smaller businesses.


Whether you are looking to complement your existing disaster recovery infrastructure, or replace it wholesale with a best of breed backup solution, BIOS has almost certainly done a deployment like the one you wish to do.


Another issue that has come up increasingly in recent years is backing up mixed physical and virtual environments. In order to tackle this, we are working with Symantec.


Symantec might be better known for its antivirus and security software, but in recent years, it has also become a leader in data backup. Its solution Backup Exec 2012 has already proven itself in some of the biggest mixed server environments in the UAE.


It works by providing a platform between the physical and virtual environments. In simple terms, it means you don’t need one solution to backup your physical environment, and another to backup your virtual environment.


Fully virtualized environments can also benefit from rapid backup of entire VMware guests, recovery of the virtual machine, virtual disk, from an application level down to file and folder – all from a single-pass backup.


In addition to protecting mixed and fully virtual environments, Backup Exec 2012 has also made a name for itself thanks to its deduplication prowess. Many of our customers that have adopted Symantec Backup Exec 2012 in the UAE have seen a 90 per cent cut in server space required for disaster recovery.


When a crucial file corrupts, the last thing you want to find out is you have to do a full restore of a 1TB backup just to recovery one 20kb file. That’s another one of the reasons we recommend Symantec’s solution. It allows you to restore single files, emails, and documents. This means recovering from a system failure is much quicker than the traditional method; especially versus tape.


So if you are looking for a disaster recovery solution the UAE, we can help. Contact one of our specialists in backup in Dubai and Abu Dhabi who can give you a complete understanding of the benefits you can get from working with BIOS to protect your data.  


Read more about disaster recovery solutions from BIOS.





Topics: IT Back Up, Disaster Recovery, VMware


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