What does downtime cost you? Find out now!

Posted by Nidhi Savla on Wed, May 09, 2018 @ 01:32 PM

BC/DR. DRaaS. RTO. RPO…you’re probably asking yourself, “is this even English? What am I reading?!?!?”


Yes, it’s English…and they’re acronyms that are crucial to the recover-ability of your data and the fiscal health of your organization. Business continuity and disaster recovery (BC/DR) and disaster recovery as a service (DRaaS) are strongly considered among businesses today to safeguard their organization in the event of critical data and revenue loss due to lack of productivity while being down.

How much are you willing to lose to your bottom line when a catastrophic event happens - like Steve the IT intern spilling coffee all over your servers? It’s always the new guy…right?

The downtime calculator helps you understand this impact. Simply enter in your actual company information and see firsthand what every second of downtime does to your bottom line, but the ramifications compounded by minute, hour, day and week!

Try it today and let us know how we can assist you on your path to true IT resilience!

Downtime Calculator

Topics: draas uae, cloud dr uae


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