How technology answers Insurance industry’s emerging challenges and opportunities

Posted by Nidhi Savla on Thu, Apr 02, 2020 @ 10:21 AM

shutterstock_1467509459The insurance sector in the Middle East continuous to grow and attract new entrants creating both opportunities and challenges for players in this space.

In addition to growth, the market is also maturing with additional government regulation requiring new levels of compliance such as NESA and  IFRS 17. In order to help address these challenges and make the most of these opportunities many marker leaders are turning to the cloud.


You can learn more about the state of industry and how leading players are leveraging the cloud to address compliance, improve efficiencies within their business and maximize their addressable market by downloading this whitepaper.


Read our latest paper on Middle East Insurance Industry & Technology and see how companies such as Noor Takaful, Takaful Emarat & ADNIC benefited.



Topics: insurance


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