A guide to selecting the right Cloud and Managed service provider for your business

Posted by Nidhi Savla on Mon, Jul 16, 2018 @ 10:36 AM

selecting cloud providerChoosing which cloud is best for you and who is best to manage it is no easy task. You will find several cloud companies in the Middle East and many integrators offering to resell or manage cloud solutions. All of them claim to provide exceptional customer service and guaranteed up time too. The challenge then is to find a supplier that can not only help you migrate to the cloud, provide excellent service and up time but who is also an ideal match for your business. This paper is designed to help you measure different potential partners and help you find the one best suited to your business.

In this guide we've compiled the questions we think you should ask if when selecting a CSP. These questions are informed by years of real experience in winning and losing deals and supporting our clients. It's our hope that this guide can help you make better informed decisions as to who is the ideal supplier for you.


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Topics: cisco powered cloud, CISCO powered cloud UAE, best cloud provider UAE, microsoft azure, cloud and managed service provider


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