Whitepaper: Keeping your business healthy in a pandemic

Posted by Nidhi Savla on Mon, Apr 13, 2020 @ 11:57 PM


As governments and healthcare workers undertake herculean efforts to protect their citizens from COVID 19, the common theme from all of them to their citizens and residents is ‘stay at home and you will be safe and it will help us contain this virus while we search for a cure and treatment’.

In light of this, almost all companies that can, have now asked their staff to work from home. While we know that staying at home and maintaining a period of isolation will protect our physical health, what about the health of the companies we work for? The health of these businesses and the ability of employers to pay staff during this time is also critical to our well-being and the well-being of society. Company health is directly linked to employee productivity and IT departments across the globe must now focus on enabling employees to work form home the same way as they could previously from the office. With this in mind we have written a whitepaper that we think you will find useful called ‘Keeping businesses healthy in a pandemic’.This white paper will cover four challenges of working from home and how they can be overcome, namely;

1. How to achieve ubiquitous communication through video, phone and instant messenger
2. Ensuring staff can connect from anywhere securely without performance issues
3. How to protect business critical applications and data to be used on any device
4. Enabling robust end point protection and end user support for a border-less office

We hope you enjoy this whitepaper.


Topics: Outsourcing IT UAE, disaster recovery uae, disaster recovery as a service uae, best cloud provider UAE, best managed service provider UAE, cloud services, cloud hosting, combating COVID-19


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