The benefits of using a Multi-Cloud Strategy

Posted by Nidhi Savla on Sun, Dec 23, 2018 @ 10:03 AM


First of all, let’s start with the basics, what is Multi-cloud?

This one is pretty simple, multi-cloud is the concept of using of multiple cloud computing and storage services in a single architecture.

How did it evolve?
Well first came the concept of cloud, as companies became conformable with it and began to realize the benefits, much as the elimination of capital expenditure, the ability to scale up and down and the agility to provision workloads almost instantly. Today almost every company we speak to is using some elements of the cloud to run their business on. With that came concerns about governess and security and companies began to develop a hybrid cloud approach. Keeping some works loads on their premise and even building private clouds and using the public cloud for the rest. This then developed to a cloud first approach for many companies, where the preference became to use the cloud, be it private or public as the first choice for any application. Now businesses are beginning to use multiple public clouds due to the advantages this approach brings. Namely;

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Topics: siem, multi-cloud, aws, azure, multicloud

Addressing the challenges of Multi-Cloud and unlocking its benefits

Posted by Nidhi Savla on Wed, Dec 19, 2018 @ 02:22 PM

The growth of Hybrid Cloud

Global Cloud adoption is growing at a breath taking pace changing forever the way enterprise think about how they deploy and manage their IT. Gartner recently said Cloud would become a 300B industry by 2022. However, companies still in general keep part of their IT infrastructure On Premise, usually in a heavily virtualized or private cloud environment. This approach is known as Hybrid cloud and almost all businesses are now adopting it.


The rapid emergence of Multi-Cloud

As companies grow more confident in using the public cloud and begin to realize the huge cost saving advantages, speed to deployment and scalability they increasingly become cloud first when thinking about how to deploy new IT infrastructure or use applications. What has become apparent to most companies is that different clouds have different advantages for different circumstances and at different costs. This has lead companies to use several clouds and this is known as Multi-Cloud. Gartner says by 2022, 80% of companies leveraging the cloud, will have a Multi-Cloud approach.

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Topics: multi-cloud, aws, azure, multicloud


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